WMATA's 'Mass Pass' ad ended with Pope on the Aborted South Mall
Perhaps they did not like this inadvertent reminder of their role in aborting what would have been Washington, D.C.'s South Capitol Mall?

St. Vincent de Paul Church- the sole building along South Capitol Street saved by the South Capitol Mall's cancellation

Mark Tuohey of the DC Sports and Entertainment Commission, who sat on the Board of Trustees of Catholic University with McCarrick, and upon that of Gonzaga HS and
Washington Jesuit Academy
The 2002 stadium study indicating St Vincent de Paul Church as the sole surviving building on the east side of this stretch of South Capitol Street

Major League Baseball: the entity that insisted upon cramming this stadium along South Capitol Street, by making the specific location a condition of allowing the establishment of the Washington Nationals franchise

2008 is the last year he can throw the 1st ball as U.S. President

Covington & Burling-
the Pennsylvania Avenue law firm that represented MLB
in this stadium desecration of the NCPC
Extending the Legacy South Capitol Mall
"W" Stadium

Blogger Douglas A. Willinger Ambushed, Arrested (while carrying his Verizon cell phone)