'National Coalition to Save the Mall'
Useless Regarding the South Capitol Mall
an early 2007 email exchange with Judy Scott Feldman
regarding the SW portion of the South Capitol Mall:

To: "Judy S. Feldman"
What I mean is the *western* portion of NCPC's north-south 1992-2001 South Capitol Mall proposal.
I say western because the eastern portion is to be largely covered by the Nationals Stadium. (I do not see an effort to stop that project, as much as I would like to see such an effort.) Since the serious political obstacles are to the east (the stadium and the St Vincent's catholic church), I see the advice as to "go west".
As I understand it there are projects along the west side of SCS that would block the South Mall; should not there be a South Mall even where there is no conflict with the church and the stadium.
Douglas Willinger
----- Original Message ----
From: Judy S. Feldman <jfeldman@savethemall.org>
To: Douglas Willinger <dougwill2001@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 3:52:54 PM
Subject: Re: UPDATE: Feb. 13 Overbeck Lecture: The Past & Future of the National Mall
We've suggested an enhanced M Street connecting S. Capitol to Washington Channel and a bridge across to East Potomac Park. M Street would become a greenway and link through SW. Is this what you mean? Other ideas are welcome.
>What about the west side of the South Capitol Mall?
>That is, entirely west of South Capitol Street, and not to the east.
>How about something on saving a swath for a greenway strictly to the west, since the buildings to the south of the Marriot are envisioned to all be demolished.
>Douglas Willinger
Judy Scott Feldman, Ph.D.
National Coalition to Save Our Mall
301-340-3938/ 301-340-3947 (fax)
And this one:
Re: UPDATE: Mall Has Become a Monument to Political NegligenceFrom their organization's web site:Wednesday, November 8, 2006 2:15 PM From: "Douglas Willinger"
To: "Judy S. Feldman"Judy:
What about the "South Capitol Commons"? (the traffic oval).
From what I understand, it is only an option.
Likewise with the town square at the corner of SC and M Street? I can't find any details on Monument Reality's Ballpark District development.
The town square appears in the Nov 2003 SCS Urban Land Institute Report and NCPC's March 2005 SCS brochure.
--- "Judy S. Feldman" <jfeldman@savethemall.org>
> Hi Doug,
> Lots of things are on the table in our thinking...
> Judy
> >Dear NCSOM:
> >
> >What about the South Capitol Frederick Douglass
> Mall?
> >
> >What happened to that is a testimony to what's
> wrong
> >with our "leadership".
> >
> >Douglas Willinger
> >http://wwwfreespeechbeneathUSHS.blogspot.com
> --
> Judy Scott Feldman, Ph.D.
> Chairman
> National Coalition to Save Our Mall
> http://www.savethemall.org
> http://www.nationalmall.net
> 301-340-3938/ 301-340-3947 (fax)
> jfeldman@savethemall.org
About Us
Board of Directors
Judy Scott Feldman, Ph.D.
Email: jfeldman@savethemall.org
Vice Chairmen
W. Kent Cooper, FAIA
George H.F. Oberlander, AICP
Lisa Benton-Short, Ph.D.
Susan G. Mulhall, C.P.A.
Charles I. Cassell, FAIA
George Idelson
Email: gidelson@verizon.net
Thomas C. Jensen, Esq.
George Peabody, Ph.D.
Director Emeritus
John R. Graves
Email: cpljohngraves@juno.com
National Coalition to Save Our Mall
P.O. Box 4709
Rockville, MD 20849
National Coalition to Save Our Mall, a 501(c)(3) citizens’ organization founded in 2000, works to protect and enhance the integrity of the National Mall. The National Coalition to Save Our Mall is an organized voice for the public as we wrestle with divided jurisdiction and is a public voice in Mall matters. Our Coalition advances its goals through public advocacy. We hold public forums and presentations to educate audiences and identify the Mall’s needs; provide testimony on Mall topics; maintain a website with relevant historical resources and current-issue information; and put out regular email updates on timely issues.
Our recent proposals for improving the Mall’s value to the nation and the city include Mall expansion—an idea that has found support in Congress, the media, and the public—to accommodate new museums and public uses [emphasis added] so the Mall can continue to evolve as a great national gathering place and vital urban park. The last time our nation prepared a comprehensive vision for the entire Mall was in 1902. Our Coalition has called for a congressionally chartered commission of prominent Americans to prepare a vision and framework plan for the Mall as a whole, updating the 1902 McMillan plan.
We welcome your participation. Please contact us for more information.
The National Mall is one of the country’s most symbolic landscapes, a major destination for visitors from the U.S. and around the world, and a major urban park for DC residents. Oversight of the Mall is divided among 6 government agencies and 8 Congressional committees.
Judy Scott Feldman, PhD, Chair and President
301-340-3938 jfeldman@savethemall.org
Judy Feldman and her organization would not actively oppose the placement of the Nationals Ballpark Stadium that blocks the South Capitol Mall's eastern portion, even though they would be most active in opposing the WW2 Memorial.
This lack of activity was not due to them being un-informed, as I contacted her on numerous occasions attempting to get her and her organizations on board, including at the December 2005 Christmas Party of the Committee of 100 held at the Perry Belmont Mansion- headquarters of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star.

Judy Feldman, along with other members of this organization are also members of the highly over-rated "Committee of 100 on the Federal City" ostensibly formed to promote better planning for Washington, D.C, founded in 1924 by Frederic Delano.
Committee of 100 Opposed Extending the Legacy
Non Responsive Washington, D.C. "E" Groups Like Cadavers
Non Informative "E" Groups
The Un Reporting 2003+
The Un Reporting 1996+
Why Was Not The Public Informed?
South Capitol Mall Sell Out - Frederic Delano 'Family'
Nationals BallPark Stadium Committee of 100 2002 Response
Who Got Involved
SW Portion of South Capitol Mall Still Doable
1 comment:
JSF behaves like a freemason.
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