Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What Extending the Legacy
and Memorials and Museums
would have done:

>Illustration: NCPC 1997 Extending the Legacy with St. Vincent de Paul Church gone, either demolished or relocated to a site away from the South Capitol Street are, and with new buildings replacing it and all of the other extsting buildings on South Capitol Street's east side, and easterly to 1st Street SE.

Illustration: NCPC 1997 Extending the Legacy with new buildings replacing those along South Capitol Street's west side, westerly to 1st Street SW.

The illustrations below show a tower at M Street suggestive of the idea of relocating St. Vincent de Paul Church about 250 east to accommodate the South Capitol Mall

Illustration: September 2001 NCPC Memorials & Museums;
shows tower at M and Half Street SE suggestive of a relocated St. Vincent de Paul Church

Illustration: NCPC September 2001 Memorials and Museums with new buildings along each side of South Capitol Street replacing all of the existing buildings in area between and adjacent to 1st Streets SW and SE.

This would have for public park land and new buildings possibly including new public buildings as museums.

The new buildings would provide sufficent opportunity to replace the existing dwellings to allow the current inhabitants to remain in the neighborhood.

The few buildings of better quality style, such as the Alfred Richards House that was last owned by Ken Wyban, and demolished during the 4th week of May, 2006, could have been relocated short distances, such as with relocating St. Vincent de Paul Church 250 or 500 feet due east.

I do not know why the 1990s "Extending the Legacy" plans did not show St. Vincent de Paul Church at all, since it's clearly an architecturally worthy building to save.

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